Friday, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What to do with the Ranger2 code?


-Simple kit for target market
-Mount ranger on a RC car or climber. Use it to map and figure out position in a 2d environment
(Refs for 2d positioning?)
-Teach coordinate systems, translations
-Can be extended to 3d if you add another servo
-Incorporate line scanner camera (HVWtech/Parallax) for 3d B/W scan and modelling 

Monday, August 16, 2010

more Adri ideas

A nice simple platform with a EZ1 ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo.

The Arduino code extracts the analog signal from the sensor and translates it into a serial stream.
The processing code renders a map of the room based on the data.

Code in a zip file "Ranger2"

Adri's ideas

Robot arm - for the immediate WOW factor

Simple quick wins for the high school target:

Scanning ultrasonic sensor with graphical readout in Processing
Multi-colored LED showing color components
Drumstick on a servo - music and rhythm

First thoughts

Raw mat'ls:

Foam board, aluminum(dulled), Poster board, Balsa, ply, MDF

See hobby shops like PM hobby craft and Michaels

Some initial ideas:

XY plotter - supply the parts in kit form. Drawing and cutting are possible.

Ski jacket with Lilypad components - Audio commands are interpreted and response is audio or visual. Get ski performance data and communications, hands free.

Dirt Digger & Camera - Website with a physical robotic arm in a sandbox. Users can book time then remotely interface with the hardware. A webcam gives feedback. A blade clears the sandbox for the next user.

Webify kit - take any experiment and mount it on the web. Control and monitoring.

Previously published models (UWI) - model airconditioning system, car sensors and actuators.

Simple models of industrial processes.

Aqua/Hydroponics - sensors and actuators with vessels in kit form

Smart House model.

A small engine (RC gas) or custom built. Electronic ignition and valves.

A simple steam engine

Alternative energy models - solar, wind, wave

Robots -an arm, simple vehicles (Car, Plane, Boat) - more complex ones (Tether submarine, Aerial photography, security, snow)

Processing/Arduino combos